Friday 17 June 2022

The Summer I Turned Pretty, The adapted series measures up to its novel equivalent

 The Bottom Line A solid coming-of-ager wrapped in a not-so-good romance.
Airdate: Friday, June 17 (Amazon)
Cast: Lola Tung, Jackie Chung, Rachel Blanchard, Christopher Briney, Gavin Casalegno, Sean Kaufman, Alfredo Narciso, Minnie Mills, Colin Ferguson, Tom Everett Scott
Creator: Jenny Han

Sensing the potential for a love triangle? Ding, ding, ding! But it doesn’t reveal itself as quickly as you’d think. The Summer I Turned Pretty reinforces over and over that Belly has been in love with the elder brother, Conrad, since she was young, but he has suddenly adopted a moody, misunderstood attitude that serves as a bit of a mystery in the season’s first half. Jeremiah, on the other hand, is a sunny, bisexual party boy, happy to follow the fun and an “equal opportunity” flirt. The show never quite makes it a fair fight between the brothers, yet it still manages to make you feel very attached to both of them.

In fact, the show is careful about framing typically gendered coming-of-age tropes. A debutante ball is an “opportunity to network”, a challenge for a self-assured Belly, touted as “a feral alley cat” by her own mother, Laurel, to glow up into a graceful swan, the last wish for a perfect summer for a beloved, ailing second mother, Susannah. The debutantes of the season aren’t catty till you give them a reason to be. In the first big show of camaraderie, the ladies pass each other a hip flask at high tea, when introductory speeches are being made about a history of elegance, and the productive potential of the ball. Still, the girls listen attentively, full of school spirit. It’s not just ladies' choice for partners, but also before the main dance, there’s an indulgent BTS-inspired performance by their chosen escorts, enthusiastically cheered on by the thirsty debs and amused relatives.

As we eventually find out over the course of the series, there’s actually a tragic reason for why this summer in Cousins feels so pivotal for both Laurel and Susannah’s families—and why each character is so deeply invested, consciously or not, in projecting a protective aura over the season. If heartache, both of the teenage and the existential variety, is a fact of life, doesn’t that make some good, frothy fantasy all the more essential?

To turn a slow-burn romance into a weekend marathon, you need actors who can captivate their viewers’ fluctuating attention span. That’s where this army of uber-cool actors come in—Tung’s a gifted little two goodie-shoes, Briney is most likely to be the next hotshot romcom king and the other two pull you in with their confidence alone. That, and good looks.

‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ is typical fluff content but with toned-down teenage-y idiocy and cinematic class. Take out that fedora, clean up well, apply some sunscreen and dive into the world of Belly and her babes… head first, please!

Saturday 8 May 2021

Yup, those sure are Lily James and Sebastian Stan as Pam & Tommy

 Take a first look at Lily James and Sebastian Stan's radical transformation into Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee for Hulu's upcoming series 

TVF show Aspirant is Overrated and Boring

 सन्दीप भैया ये नाम आपने TVF के latest snow मे सुना हि होगा और लोग इस character से emotionlly connect कर रहे है पर मुझे लगता है ये character overrated है | हा ये एक struggling upsc aspirant कि कहानी बताती है पर ये series काफ़ि boring है | मै आप सब को इस show को skip करने को हि कहता पर lockdown है और आपके पास करने के लिए कुछ नही है तो इसे आप एक बार देख सकते है पर ये काफ़ी boring है |

Harmful effects of masturbation

 1. Effect on body health - Actually semen takes 4 to 8 days(depend on person to person) to produce in body and to produce small amount of good quality semen, you need to eat lot of healthier food, protein and minerals etc. If you do not ejaculate your semen though sexual activities, it will give strength to your body, make your muscles and bones stronger. If you continue waste you semen just for fun and enjoy several times in week then it will make your health dull. So please stop masturbation addiction.

2. Effects on bones- If you do extreme masturbation (8 to 10 times in week) and continue this habit for long time like for six month then this will make harmful effects on your bones. When person try to masturbate lot in short amount of time then he or she started to ejaculate type of white part of bone which include phosphorus, carbon and other minerals which are extracted from bones.
If you masturbate lot then you feel your knees and elbow joints start to make sound on moving, just like very old person.

3. Effect on your face - By watching a person's face you can tell that how much he masturbate or include in sexual activities. And even you can tell which hand he use mostly to masturbate. Those who masturbate lot, their cheeks started to shrink, narrow and go inside, (like just opposite of chubby). Pimples are natural in young age but those who masturbate, for them pimples and acne create big problems. They increase in numbers and make bigger in size on face. Make spots on face. By that face look ugly. Masturbation also make asymmetric your face for example if person masturbate lot from his right hand then his face will be narrow and asymmetric from right side.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Christopher Nolan कि सबसे बेकार Movie है TENET || TENET Movie Review हिन्दी में

 TENET इस साल कि सबसे बड़ी फ़िल्म है और लोग इसका इंतजार पिछले साल से हि कर रहे थे | भारत मे Mumbai मे film के कुछ scenes shoot किये गए थे और यह भारत के Christopher Nolan के Fans के लिये और भी exciting था पर यह फ़िल्म इस साल कि बेकार फ़िल्मो मे से एक हो गयी काफ़ी निराशा होती है यह फ़िल्म को देख के

TENET एक reverse time पे based फ़िल्म है पर इसका Screenplay कोई sense नही रखता ना कोई character के लिये आप feel करते हो क्युकि हर character बहुत ज्यादा boring है

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Hollywood Actor Ellen Page ने किया खुलासा कि है वो हिजड़ा

 Hollywood Actor Ellen Page ने किया खुलासा कि है वो हिजड़ा

जि हा कल हि Ellen Page ने खुलासा किया कि वो हिजडा है

 Leonardo Dicaprio कि film "Inception" Christopher Nolan ने direct किया था उसमे उनका एक important role था यहा तक कि Netflix मे आई Webseries "Umbrella Academy " मे भी उनका एक अहम role था |

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 Cannada के PM ने किया भारत के किसानों का Support पर अब भी चुप है Canadian Passport रखने वाले Akshay कुमार

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क्यु क्यु क्यु पुछ्ता है भारत

The Summer I Turned Pretty, The adapted series measures up to its novel equivalent

 The Bottom Line A solid coming-of-ager wrapped in a not-so-good romance. Airdate: Friday, June 17 (Amazon) Cast: Lola Tung, Jackie Chung, R...